V-Carve Inlays and More with F-engrave 1.50

F-Engrave 1.50 has been released and is now available on the F-Engrave page. Here are a few of the highlights from this release:

  •  Modified helper program (ttf2cxf_stream) and F-Engrave interaction with it to better control the line segment approximation of arcs.
  • Added straight cutter support (cutter will follow design inside or outside of lines)
  • Added option to create prismatic cuts (inverse of v-carve).  This option opens the possibility of making v-carve inlays.
  • Added option for radius format g-code arcs when arc fitting.  This will help compatibility with g-code interpreters that are missing support for center format arcs.  (I think GRBL will accept the radius format arcs)

One of the most exciting new things you can do with F-Engrave now is v-carve inlays.  Below is a video I put together showing the process of making an inlay with F-Engrave.

Here is an example of an inlay that i made during testing of the new features.  The eagle is a slightly modified version of an eagle I found on WikiMedia.

eagle_inlay (Custom)

Here are the parts before gluing them together to form the inlay.

KIMG0034 (Custom) KIMG0033 (Custom)
