Step 1:
Take the blaster apart and remove the sliding barrel. then cut out the little stops on the sliding part so it slides all the way. Then add 5 inches of the 9/16 brass and friction fit it in with electrical tape.

Brass Breech
In this mod I only brass breeched the blaster. This was my first brass Breech and it does not take to much time. It shoots at an avrage of 150 feet per second, and it shoots short darts.
Take the blaster apart and remove the sliding barrel. then cut out the little stops on the sliding part so it slides all the way. Then add 5 inches of the 9/16 brass and friction fit it in with electrical tape.
Cut down the origanal extention spring that brings the sliding barrel forward and shorten it enough to bring the barrel all the way forward.
take the plunger out and get rid of the ball stoper. then get 6 inches of the 17/32 brass and find where the dart goes in and dremel out a spot this the dart cango in to and friction that in to the plunger system.
This is a picture of what the insides of the blaster look like. Now just screw it back together and it is ready to fire.